Bridesmaid Bouquet


Curated bridesmaid bouquets offered in our three wedding color palettes: Soft Neutrals, Cheery and Bright and Surprise.

These are for pick up at our warehouse only. Address is 2811 Locust St. Someone will contact you after your purchase to coordinate pick up! Pick ups available Monday-Friday 10am-2pm and Saturday or Sunday by appointment. Orders must be placed 3 days in advance.

Color Palette:
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Curated bridesmaid bouquets offered in our three wedding color palettes: Soft Neutrals, Cheery and Bright and Surprise.

These are for pick up at our warehouse only. Address is 2811 Locust St. Someone will contact you after your purchase to coordinate pick up! Pick ups available Monday-Friday 10am-2pm and Saturday or Sunday by appointment. Orders must be placed 3 days in advance.

Curated bridesmaid bouquets offered in our three wedding color palettes: Soft Neutrals, Cheery and Bright and Surprise.

These are for pick up at our warehouse only. Address is 2811 Locust St. Someone will contact you after your purchase to coordinate pick up! Pick ups available Monday-Friday 10am-2pm and Saturday or Sunday by appointment. Orders must be placed 3 days in advance.

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